Shared Pool- Memory Structures

The shared pool is one of the most critical pieces of memory in the SGA, especially with regard to performance and scalability. A shared pool that is too small can kill performance to the point that the system appears to hang. A shared pool that is too large can have the same effect. A shared pool that is used incorrectly will be a disaster as well.

What exactly is the shared pool? The shared pool is where Oracle caches many bits of “program” data. When we parse a query, the parsed representation is cached there. Before we go through the job of parsing an entire query, Oracle searches the shared pool to see if the work has already been done. PL/SQL code that you run is cached in the shared pool, so the next time you run it, Oracle doesn’t have to read it in from disk again. PL/SQL code is not only cached here, it is shared here as well. If you have 1000 sessions all executing the same code, only one copy of the code is loaded and shared among all sessions. Oracle stores the system parameters in the shared pool. The data dictionary cache (cached information about database objects) is stored here. In short, everything but the kitchen sink is stored in the shared pool.

The shared pool is characterized by lots of small (generally 4KB or less) chunks of memory. Bear in mind that 4KB is not a hard limit. There will be allocations that exceed that size, but in general the goal is to use small chunks of memory to prevent the fragmentation that would occur if memory chunks were allocated in radically different sizes, from very small to very large.

The memory in the shared pool is managed on an LRU basis. It is similar to the buffer cache in that respect—if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. A supplied package called DBMS_SHARED_POOL may be used to change this behavior— to forcibly pin objects in the shared pool.

You can use this procedure to load up your frequently used procedures and packages at database startup time and make it so they are not subject to aging out. Normally, though, if over time a piece of memory in the shared pool is not reused, it will become subject to aging out. Even PL/SQL code, which can be rather large, is managed in a paging mechanism so that when you execute code in a very large package, only the code that is needed is loaded into the shared pool in small chunks. If you don’t use it for an extended period of time, it will be aged out if the shared pool fills up and space is needed for other objects.

The easiest way to break Oracle’s shared pool is to not use bind variables. As you saw in Chapter 1, not using bind variables can bring a system to its knees for two reasons:

•\ The system spends an exorbitant amount of CPU time parsing queries.
•\ The system uses large amounts of resources managing the objects in the shared pool as a result of never reusing queries.

If every query submitted to Oracle is a unique query (because of unique values hard-coded in), the concept of the shared pool is substantially defeated. The shared pool was designed so that query plans would be used over and over again. If every query is a brand-new, never-before-seen query, then caching only adds overhead.

The shared pool becomes something that inhibits performance. A common but misguided technique that many use to try to solve this issue is adding more space to the shared pool, which typically only makes things worse than before. As the shared pool inevitably fills up once again, it gets to be even more of an overhead than the smaller shared pool, for the simple reason that managing a big, full shared pool takes more work than managing a smaller, full shared pool.

The only true solution to this problem is to use shared SQL to reuse queries. Earlier, in Chapter 1, we briefly looked at the parameter CURSOR_SHARING, which can work as a short-term crutch in this area. The only real way to solve this issue, however, is to use reusable SQL in the first place. Even on the largest of large systems, I find that there are typically at most 10,000 to 20,000 unique SQL statements. Most systems execute only a few hundred unique queries.

The following real-world example demonstrates just how bad things can get if you use the shared pool poorly. I was asked to work on a system where the standard operating procedure was to shut down the database every night, to wipe out the SGA, and restart it clean. The reason for doing this was that the system was having issues during the day whereby it was totally CPU bound, and, if the database were left to run for more than a day, performance really started to decline.

They were using a 1GB shared pool inside of a 1.1GB SGA. This is true: 0.1GB dedicated to block buffer cache and other elements and 1GB dedicated to caching unique queries that would never be executed again. The reason for the cold start was that if they left the system running for more than a day, they would run out of free memory in the shared pool. At that point, the overhead of aging structures out (especially from a structure so large) was such that it overwhelmed the system and performance was massively degraded (not that performance was that great anyway, since they were managing a 1GB shared pool).

Furthermore, the people working on this system constantly wanted to add more and more CPUs to the machine, as hard parsing SQL is so CPU intensive. By correcting the application and allowing it to use bind variables, not only did the physical machine requirements drop (they then had many times more CPU power than they needed), but also the allocation of memory to the various pools was reversed. Instead of a 1GB shared pool, they had less than 100MB allocated—and they never used it all over many weeks of continuous uptime.

Note The SHARED_POOL_SIZE is optional for pluggable databases. When it is set for a pluggable database, then it sets the minimum size for the shared pool for the pluggable database. When this parameter is not set at the pluggable database level, then there is no limit for the amount of shared pool the pluggable database can use other than the maximum size of the container database’s shared pool size.

The SHARED_POOL_SIZE is typically the largest contributor to the shared pool as reported by the SUM(BYTES), but it is not the only contributor. For example, the parameter CONTROL_FILES contributes 264 bytes per file to the “miscellaneous” section of the shared pool. It is unfortunate that the “shared pool” in V$SGASTAT and the parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE are named as they are, since the parameter contributes to the size of the shared pool, but it is not the only contributor. You should see a one-to-one ­correspondence between the two, assuming you are using manual shared memory management (i.e., you have set the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter yourself):

SQL> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 mbytes from v$sgastat where pool = ‘shared pool’;

Note I was using manual shared memory management in this example!

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